How to Contact us
Following Government guidelines and our decision to close our Caerphilly Office from today (Tuesday 24th March 2020), the following members of staff can be contacted as follows:-
Please contact the office on 02920 867711 and you will be redirected as follows:-
Option 1 Residential Sales (Loti Flowers)
Option 2 Residential Lettings & Management (Matthew Thorne)
Option 3 Commercial (Trudy Bennett)
To contact our Commercial team direct:-
Trevor Isaac 02920 807060
Cari Goodridge 02920 807065
Beverly Williams 02920 807066
Jodie Clayton 02920 807067
Daniel Jones 02920 807069
To our Residential Tenants, please find below the emergency contact numbers for contractors:-
General Maintenance - Karol - 07858328145
Plumbing and Gas - Monicol - 07968977796
General Maintenance - Marlin - 07960611308
Electrical Issues - Starlight Electrical - 02920888606
Locksmith - Curley Locks - 07814814184